Designing Not Fixing – a Surer Route to eCommerce Prosperity

November 7, 2023

There’s no big secret to successful eCommerce: just make products easy to find, easy to select and easy to buy. Exactly how you execute that idea depends on many things, not least the type and complexity of your product range.

Think for a moment about a hypermarket compared to a village shop. The layout, product displays and overall shopping experience must be vastly different for each of these to operate profitably.

The other basic principle is that it’s ALWAYS better to design-in performance from the outset.

You can make tweaks and enhancements to any eCommerce site. These might produce marginal improvements. But if the structure and functionality are flawed to start with, tweaks won’t transform your results.

It’s a bit like buying new running shoes (or maybe even just new laces) and believing you’ll suddenly be able to nail a sub-two-hour marathon. Ain’t gonna happen.

A Word About Mobile…

And that word is generally ‘first’. It’s heartbreaking when we see a site that works OK on a large screen, but completely falls apart when someone tries to use it on a mobile device.

Since 2019, eCommerce sales made through mobile devices have nearly doubled. Based on this trend, UK mCommerce sales in 2024 are expected to reach £105bn (source: Statista).

Growth has been driven by two factors. First, people feel increasingly confident using mobiles to make online purchases. Second, large, successful eCommerce stores are designed specifically for mobile users.

It’s a trend you can’t afford to miss out on.

How We Define eCommerce Performance

High performing eCommerce sites are:

  • Easy to find – your site and product pages show up near the top of relevant searches.
  • Easy to search – navigation is obvious, shoppers have the minimum number of decisions to make, filters work effectively and intuitively.
  • Easy to navigate – the next step is always obvious, even to somebody visiting the site for the first time. Pages load quickly.
  • Easy to buy from – the checkout process is silky-smooth.
  • Easy to manage – it’s simple for you to add new products and run campaigns.

If your eCommerce site is struggling with persistently low conversion rates and sales, ask yourself two questions: When was it built? And was it built to be an eCommerce site or a high performing eCommerce site? There’s a world of difference between the two.


For more insights into building a prosperous eCommerce business, download this handy guide or contact GSL Media on 01752 395600.

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