The Benefits.
- Empowering Employees
Once a person is logged in to the system, it would allow an employee to view key information from timetables, event overviews and slides. All delivered in a compelling branded visual format providing instant overview of what, where and when things are happening.
- Efficient Event Management
It would also allow individuals to manage detailed personalised information vital to any event management team such as; if they are attending or not, who they are, dietary requirements, arrival and departure times, delegate contact information (in the absence of a company intranet this is vital for better organisation.)
- Time Zones
It allows for key people and times in different time zones such as Manila to be far better aware of and involved in activities that are happening in the UK or Gibraltar
- Streamlining Tasks
The management of events took up a significant amount of administrative time which could be far better used for planning and management of the activities themselves. When an event is changed it clutters inboxes with a significant volume of e-mail which regularly results in people missing key information. The new system avoids using a multitude of different platforms.
- Mobile Friendly
This solution also allows for personal access via mobile and laptop to key event management of all sizeable events. Incorporating delivery of electronic tickets to mobile devices for verification also makes information accessible in real-time across all devices. This would increase productivity and make vital information easily accessible for employees on the go.